Monday 24 January 2011

Daily Mail - Gay lessons to be taught in schools

Actual exam paper

Melanie Phillips, a tireless campaigner for sanity, wrote in the Daily Mail today about how “the ruthless campaign by the gay rights lobby” means “schoolchildren are to be bombarded with homosexual references in maths, geography and ­science lessons as part of a Government-backed drive to promote the gay agenda.” That’s right. Homosexuality is now mandatory for schoolchildren.

The lesson plans are being made available online for schools who choose to download them, so technically it’s only ‘mandatory’ in the same way that Doodle Jump is mandatory. But you know what it’s like – if something is available to download, you basically have to download it. That, at least, is my defence for the ‘horse_slut.mpg’ controversy I was involved in a while back.

Now, Word-Happener is no enemy of the gays. I once accidentally bought some moisturising peach-scented handwash from Waitrose, and I actually used it in the guest bathroom. So I think I understand the queers. Therefore, as a neutral observer, I can see that Melanie Phillips isn’t implying that homosexuality is morally wrong – it’s just that mentioning it to schoolchildren is an “abuse of childhood”. In the same way that answering questions about bird migration for my Maths GCSE made me, for a short time, develop feathers and create a nest in the lower-sixth common room, if we say the word ‘gay’ too much around kids they might become gay. Or – worse - gay birds.

Melanie Phillips makes the very valid point that this initiative would “destroy the concept of normal sexual behaviour”.  Mmm baby, that kinda talk turns me on…I’d love to get a cheap motel room with Phillips, make a list of all the most scintillatingly standard sexual practices and do them for a sexily average amount of time. If I apply heterosexual maths to sexual statistics, I predict I would orgasm in 4.7 minutes. Melanie baby, are you ready for my jelly? It's very run-of-the-mill.

And she’s got a point about how we’ve turned against the normal ethics of sexuality. “Expressing what used to be the moral norm of Western civilisation” will now get you into trouble. Exactly. I’d like to hear what the Ancient Greeks would think about all this gay sex. Besides, if LGBT people want to change social norms they should do it through something other than education, like…er…You know. Declaring war or something.

Of course, the best defence against this kind of silliness is to deny there is such a thing as LGBT people. As the user ‘lord_summerisle’ says on the Daily Telegraph comments page for this story – “I seriously doubt that the LGTB community actually exists”. Well said, your Lordship. So when Sue Sanders, of the LGBT pressure group Schools Out tries to defend what is basically gay Nazism by saying “all we are attempting to do is remind teachers that LGBT people are part of the population”, we can simply all look puzzled and ask “what people?”. 


  1. While we are mentioning the good ol' "moral norms of Western civilisation", I would like to state how much I long for that golden age when women knew there rightful place (in the kitchen or at church, with the kids) and didn't have the impudence of expressing their naive and childlike views in the paper.

    Likewise I hanker for that blessed time when we, the enlightened white males of this world, could bring civilisation and the good news of the Gospel to those poor black and brown people by forcing them to wait on us and do our jobs for nothing.

    *nostalgic sigh*

  2. Also when Dear Melanie states that "this is but the latest attempt to brainwash children with propaganda under the ­camouflage of ­education. It is an abuse of childhood", I have have to agree with her. It is absolutely outrageous that centuries of complusory religous education should be brushed aside so and replaced by someone elses propaganda.

  3. Between her and Liz Jones I have decided to simply shoot myself.

  4. I will not have my children being taught about Emperor Penguins! This is disgusting. Children may grow up thinking it's OK for males to take a hand in raising their own offspring, and it is dangerous ideas like this that will RUIN THEIR INNOCENCE

  5. "Truth-saying since the dawn of mankind."

    Nice - ANOTHER lie. You posted a tweet to this page implying this was to be mandatory in schools to get people to read this and it worked, but it is NOT true, making you both a liar twice and an idiot. I don't like people twisting truth to get attention or reaction, especially when you're using children as bait to hook a reader. You really should be more careful to consider how something you say might effect people, esp when its read by so many.

  6. Alpine has interestingly miss the point here, like a huge APLINE mountain that has missed the point
